The Purpose of Wesleyan Women is to seek to extend the kingdom of God through the missionary, extension, educational, and benevolent work of the Wesleyan Holiness Church at home and abroad, by stimulating interest therein, by sharing information about the work, by encouraging a spirit of prayer, by putting forth a systematic effort to raise money, by carrying on an active program of community and women’s ministries in the areas of lay evangelism, Christian home building, Christian citizenship, and Christian social service, and by providing a fellowship within which women’s ministry may prosper.
All women who are interested in the work of the ministry, who wish to assist in its efforts, who subscribe to the doctrines of the Wesleyan Church, can be members in the Wesleyan Women.
Our Purpose
When we examine the scriptures, God’s design for the woman/family is bound up in Genesis 1:28 – be fruitful, multiply, replenish, subdue, and have dominion. Furthermore, in Genesis 1:29, He has provided all we need to fulfil His plan. The extent of our role as women is also encapsulated in Isaiah 61:1-6 and repeated in St. Luke 4:18-19. Hence all the programs we plan and strategies used to execute should fulfil the mandate written in these scriptures. We must be cognizant of the fact that in order to fulfil our purpose we must have the enablement of the Holy Spirit.

Wesleyan Women District Director
Mrs. Marjorie Husbands a son of the Most High God. In this season it is her determination to dwell in that ” Secret Place “in Christ.
She is a teacher by profession and holds a BSC in Public Sector Management and a Diploma in Educational Leadership. She is the wife of Pastor Calvin Husbands and mother of Faith Jendayi and James Atiba Alimayu. An alumna of Haggai Institute and Director of Wesleyan Women Barbados District for the past eight (8) years, it is my desire to see Wesleyan Women move to higher heights and deeper depths. Women who are empowered through the Word, Worship and Prayer, Impacting communities, changing nations, and being partakers in the ushering in of Revival in this region.