Wesleyan International Conference
Evening Rallies
Sunday – 5:30pm
Location: Garfield Sobers Gymnasium
Disciples Making Disciples
Rev. Alejandro Sicilia, Mexico
Host: Dr. Joel Cumberbatch
Monday – 7:00pm
Location: Hilton Hotel Ballroom
Reaching the Generations
Rev. Gloria Azikiwe, Kenya
Host: Dr. John John Guillermo
Tuesday – 7:00pm
Location: White Park Wesleyan Church
Kingdom Force Church Multiplication
Dr. Wayne Schmidt, USA
Host: Dr. Dennis Jackson
Morning Gatherings
Monday – 8:30am
Location: Hilton Hotel Ballroom
Reaching Out in the Hard Places
Pastor Anup Salve, India
Coming to Christ in the Hard Places
Pastor Naila, Karis
Tuesday – 8:30am
Location: Hilton Hotel Ballroom
Navigating Missional and Generational Transitions
Rev. Ruth Lowe, United Kingdom
From a Receiving to a Sending Church
Rev. Marlon Hestick, Guyana